Granola with Honey

Soaked Granola Recipes: Breakfast with Enhanced Ingredients


Creating granola recipes might seem repetitive, but akin to updating a wardrobe, each variation brings new flavors and nutritional benefits. Over a decade of making granola, my journey has been an evolution of experimenting with ingredients, techniques, and health-conscious changes.

The Significance of Soaking Grains

Soaking grains, an approach adopted in my latest granola recipe, serves a purpose beyond just mixing ingredients. It’s a method to reduce phytic acid, which inhibits nutrient absorption and may contribute to digestive issues. 

Though its effectiveness is debated, I’ve noticed differences in texture and potentially improved nutritional quality by employing this method.

Changes in Granola Making

Over time, my granola-making approach has undergone significant alterations. Eliminating wheat germ due to rancidity concerns and switching from canola to coconut oil for its stability and health benefits have transformed my recipe’s composition.

The Soaked Granola Recipe and Process

The soaked granola recipe focuses on a pre-soaking technique. To begin, a mixture of oats, flour, and coconut combined with a blend of coconut oil, water, and yogurt, left to sit for 8-12 hours in a warm environment. Simultaneously, almonds soak separately for an equal duration.

Final Preparation and Baking

Upon completion of soaking, the granola mixture receives a sweet touch from honey, along with water, organic sugar, salt, and vanilla extract. The soaked almonds join the oats, blended with the sweetened mixture, spread evenly on baking sheets, and baked at 300º for approximately 45 minutes, ensuring a golden hue.

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Alternative Granola Variations:

  • Fruit Infusion: Elevate your granola by incorporating dried fruits like cranberries, apricots, or raisins during the baking process. These additions bring natural sweetness and a burst of flavor to your breakfast bowl;
  • Nutty Mix: Experiment with diverse nuts such as walnuts, cashews, or pistachios to add a distinct crunch and varied nutritional profiles. Toasting the nuts before mixing intensifies their flavors;
  • Seeds Galore: Enhance the nutritional value by sprinkling in an array of seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, or flaxseeds. These tiny powerhouses add texture and a boost of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Spice It Up: Infuse your granola with warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom for a cozy and aromatic touch. These spices complement the oats and lend a comforting essence to your breakfast;
  • Chocolate Indulgence: For a sweet twist, incorporate dark chocolate chips or cocoa nibs after the granola has cooled down. The chocolate adds a decadent element to your morning routine;
  • Coconutty Bliss: Amplify the coconut flavor by using coconut flakes or adding coconut essence to the liquid mixture. This tropical addition pairs beautifully with the oats and nuts;
  • Protein-Packed: Introduce protein sources like quinoa or protein powder to fortify your granola. These additions can elevate the nutritional content, making your breakfast a more balanced meal;
  • Natural Sweeteners: Explore alternatives to refined sugars by using maple syrup, agave nectar, or date syrup. These natural sweeteners offer a subtle sweetness without compromising on flavor;
  • Savory Twist: For an unconventional take, experiment with savory granola by adding ingredients like rosemary, thyme, or a dash of sea salt. This unique variation pairs well with yogurt or as a topping for soups and salads.


By infusing traditional granola-making methods with enhanced ingredients and processes, these recipes elevate not only taste but also nutritional value. Embrace this transformative approach to start your day with a wholesome and delicious meal.