
Most popular dishes from around the world

The cuisine of each country has certain characteristics that are unique to it. Often, gastronomic masterpieces become a national treasure and a landmark along with museums, monuments and architectural structures.

Tourists who come to a country to get to know the habits, culture and customs of an unfamiliar people even better try local cuisine. And national delicacies can tell you much more about a nation than the usual tourist attractions.

Today, it is not necessary to travel to get acquainted with the cuisine of another country. You can do it at home by mastering a few recipes.


Italian pizza has long since emigrated from the country and is now being cooked all over the world. This is the dish that is almost impossible to get tired of, because you can experiment endlessly with the toppings.

You can buy pizza dough in the supermarket or make it at home. Of course, the latter option is preferable if you want the dish to be as tasty as possible and melt in your mouth.


Classic American food is loved by people from all over the world. Indeed, burgers are tasty, nutritious, and satisfying. This dish is a great help when you need a quick bite to eat and restore your energy.


Another delicious Italian dish served in the best restaurants around the world is pasta. It can be different and you can experiment in the kitchen, delighting your family, here too.


Classic Spanish paella is prepared with seafood and served in large pans. If you like to try something new, then repeat this recipe at home and throw a Spanish cuisine party.


Today, Japanese cuisine is no longer something exotic. Sushi and rolls delivery is available almost everywhere, and some people even prepare these delicacies at home. Learn how to do it too.

Onion soup

This is a cult dish of French cuisine that almost all tourists, without exception, try when they find themselves in Paris. But what if you can’t travel to France yet? Cook it at home.