Top view of half cut apple on cutting board with apple butter

Freezing Apple Butter: Can You Preserve Its Flavor?

As the leaves begin to paint the world with shades of crimson and gold, and the air carries a crispness that hints at the arrival of autumn, our culinary cravings shift toward the comforting flavors of the season. Among the many delightful creations that emerge from our kitchens during this time of year, one stands out as an absolute fall favorite: Crock-Pot Apple Butter. This heavenly concoction captures the essence of ripe, juicy apples and transforms them into a rich and velvety spread that can elevate everything from morning toast to holiday desserts. Join us on a journey through the heartwarming world of Crock-Pot Apple Butter, where tradition and innovation come together to celebrate the true taste of autumn.

Mastering Homemade Apple Butter: A Delicious and Affordable Culinary Adventure

This year, I’m stepping up my culinary game, and it feels like I’m on top of the world. I’m eagerly anticipating the ball to drop, wondering if anything could possibly go wrong. One of my wild scenarios involves walking down to the basement to retrieve the jars filled with homemade apple butter, only to find that they’ve mysteriously unsealed. Can that really happen? Well, let’s dive into the world of apple butter and unravel the secrets behind this delightful treat.

The Homemade Apple Butter Extravaganza

My journey with homemade apple butter began with a slightly shaky first attempt, but I was determined to perfect this delectable spread. Inspired by my friend Jane’s crockpot recipe, I embarked on a second adventure with newfound enthusiasm. While I’m still fine-tuning the spices in my recipe, every batch has turned out scrumptious and worthy of gifting in charming jars. The best part? You don’t need a pressure canner since fruits are sufficiently acidic for safe water-bath canning, making the canning process a breeze.

Cost-Efficiency at Its Finest

Let’s talk economics! I secured 40 pounds of “seconds” apples, slightly imperfect in appearance but perfect for sauce and butter, from our local orchard, Wilds Apple Farm, for a mere $20. From this modest investment, I anticipate yielding approximately 18 pints of luscious apple butter and a dozen or so quarts of apple sauce. It’s safe to say that my $20 has been exceptionally well-spent.

Essential Equipment and Tips

However, there are a few essential considerations and recommendations for your apple butter-making adventure:

  1. Food Mill Magic: A food mill is your best friend in this journey. It relieves you from the painstaking task of peeling and coring apples, making the entire process significantly easier and less time-consuming;
  2. Canning Kit and Stockpot: If you choose to can your apple butter, having a canning kit and a sizable stockpot is highly beneficial. This ensures proper sealing and preservation of your precious creations;
  3. Sweetening Naturally: This recipe incorporates sucanat, a natural sugar derived from sugarcane, also known as Rapadura. Not only does it lend a delightful molasses-like flavor to your apple butter, but it also keeps the finished product entirely free from refined sugars, making it a healthier alternative;
  4. Freeze for Convenience: If canning feels a bit overwhelming, fret not. You can simply freeze your apple butter in jars or bags. Once thawed, it will stay fresh for a few weeks in your refrigerator, offering you a convenient and delicious option.

Delicious Crock-Pot Apple Butter: A Homemade Marvel

Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure that will fill your home with the irresistible aroma of freshly cooked apples and spices? Look no further than this delightful Crock-Pot Apple Butter recipe, a fusion of culinary wisdom from The Yellow Farmhouse Cookbook and Jane Moore. This enchanting concoction makes about 3 pints of heavenly apple butter, and there may even be a little extra to share or hoard.


  1. 6 pounds of apples (any variety will do, and seconds are both budget-friendly and perfect for this);
  2. 2 1/2 cups of sucanat (Rapadura) or a combination of white and brown sugar;
  3. 1/4 cup of apple cider, apple juice, or water;
  4. 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (raw and unfiltered for the best results);
  5. 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon;
  6. 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg;
  7. 1/4 teaspoon of ground allspice;
  8. 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves.
Top view of apples in a box

Step 1: Preparing the Apples

Before diving into this culinary adventure, give your apples a good wash. Depending on your preference, peel and core them or keep the skins on if you plan to use a food mill. For the easiest way to work with apples, quarter them and then cut each quarter in half. Your crock pot will soon be filled with these fragrant chunks of goodness.

Step 2: Magic in the Crock Pot

With your apples nestled comfortably in the crock pot, it’s time to add the rest of the enchanting ingredients. Cover the pot and set it on high heat. Let this aromatic mixture cook for one hour, allowing the flavors to mingle and develop. Afterward, lower the heat to low, keeping it covered, and continue cooking for another 8 hours. During the final hour of cooking, remove the lid to allow the apple butter to thicken and intensify its flavor. You can stir it occasionally, but it’s not strictly necessary – the crock pot will do most of the work.

Step 3: Transforming into Apple Butter

As your kitchen is filled with the captivating scent of apple and spice, it’s time to move to the next step. Let the cooked mixture cool down a bit before running it through a food mill. For a smoother texture, start with the largest grated screen on the mill and then pass it through again using a medium-grate screen. If you began with apples that were already peeled and cored, a potato masher will work just fine. However, for an even smoother consistency, opt for a hand-held stick blender or a food processor.

Step 4: Canning Perfection

To savor this delightful apple butter year-round or to share with friends and family, you’ll want to can it properly. Follow these steps for canning perfection:

  • Bring the apple butter back to a simmer in a stockpot on the stove;
  • Sterilize your canning jars and lids by placing them in boiling water for a few minutes;
  • Carefully pour the simmering apple butter into the hot, sterilized jars, leaving some headspace;
  • Seal the jars with the sterilized lids and process them in a water bath for 10 minutes. This will ensure that your apple butter stays fresh and safe for consumption.

Read about the creaminess of dairy-free custard ice cream, a guilt-free treat that’s as rich in flavor as it is in kindness to your taste buds!


In conclusion, Crock-Pot Apple Butter is a delightful and versatile homemade treat that captures the essence of fall in a jar. With its rich, velvety texture and a harmonious blend of sweet and spiced flavors, it’s no wonder why this recipe has remained a beloved favorite for generations. Whether you spread it on toast, swirl it into yogurt, or use it as a topping for pancakes and waffles, Crock-Pot Apple Butter is a simple and rewarding way to enjoy the abundance of apples during the autumn season. Its ease of preparation in a slow cooker makes it accessible to both seasoned cooks and beginners alike, and the fragrance that fills your home as it simmers is an added bonus. So, gather your apples and spices, fire up your Crock-Pot, and savor the taste of homemade Crock-Pot Apple Butter—it’s a taste of nostalgia that will leave your taste buds yearning for more.